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1 HappyWarrior  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 11:09:22am

Goddamn these people must do fantasy roleplay where they pretend to be victims of Nazi Germany. Note ot Lively, Fischer, and the other assholes- GLBT people wanting equality under the law isn’t the same as the Third Reich, it’s not even close, the only thing close about the two is GLBT people and the Nazis are both human other than that, the two couldn’t be any more different so please stop projecting your hatred of gay people on to the very real crimes of the Third Reich.

2 wrenchwench  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 11:18:48am

I was going to do the natural thing and post ‘Blitzkrieg Bop’ by the Ramones, but when I went to fetch a copy, I found the most remarkable thing.

Youtube Video

3 wrenchwench  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 11:20:03am

Vid didn’t work right in Preview. It opened a new tab in full screen. That was happening yesterday, too.

4 alinuxguru  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 3:08:46pm


Do you think they consciously ixnay the inquisition comparisons?

5 calochortus  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 4:06:50pm

Because being heterosexual is such a struggle?

Head. Desk.

6 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 6:19:51pm

re: #1 HappyWarrior

Goddamn these people must do fantasy roleplay where they pretend to be victims of Nazi Germany. Note ot Lively, Fischer, and the other assholes- GLBT people wanting equality under the law isn’t the same as the Third Reich, it’s not even close, the only thing close about the two is GLBT people and the Nazis are both human other than that, the two couldn’t be any more different so please stop projecting your hatred of gay people on to the very real crimes of the Third Reich.

He won’t, because shouting “NAZI!!1” is a good way the generate cheap outrage from historically ignorant people.

7 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 6:22:14pm

Everybody wants to be a Holocaust victim but without any of that actual concentration camp and ghetto and torture and genocide.

8 EPR-radar  Wed, Jun 5, 2013 6:51:13pm

re: #1 HappyWarrior

Goddamn these people must do fantasy roleplay where they pretend to be victims of Nazi Germany. Note ot Lively, Fischer, and the other assholes- GLBT people wanting equality under the law isn’t the same as the Third Reich, it’s not even close, the only thing close about the two is GLBT people and the Nazis are both human other than that, the two couldn’t be any more different so please stop projecting your hatred of gay people on to the very real crimes of the Third Reich.

It’s the RWNJ version of ‘oppression Olympics’. In these challenging events, RWNJs compete to tell the most compelling imaginary narratives of their oppression.

The judging fashion these days is to award points for performing the inevitable comparison of Obama/the Democrats/the Gays to the Third Reich with some degree of originality.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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